156 kilometres east of Perth
Accommodation in Cunderdin.
Located a two hour drive east of Perth on the Great Eastern Highway is the town of Cunderdin. The town was first settled with the arrival of the railway in 1894. In 1901, the Goldfields Water Scheme reached the town, bringing with it an increase in population. A stop on the Golden Pipeline Heritage Trail.
Visitors can see machinery used in bygone years at the No 3 Pump Station Museum including displays depicting the violent 1968 Meckering earthquake, an original steam pump used on the Goldfields Water Scheme, a Tigermoth aircraft, an original bush school and many artefacts depicting the pioneering spirit of the district. The museum also boasts an impressive display of farming equipment.
Cunderdin Hill is a popular walking track with 360 degree views of the town and surrounding farmland. During the spring months the hill is carpeted with pink and Yellow everlastings.
Immerse yourself in the past by taking a trip to Youndegin (19kms south of Cunderdin) where you’ll find the original police outpost.
A deep gash in the earth, caused by the Meckering Earthquake which destroyed the town in 1968, can still be seen today, located 11 kilometres from Meckering, on the Quellington (York) Road.
For more information visit www.cunderdin.wa.gov.au
Gliding at Cunderdin Airfield
Gliding is the ultimate flying experience, an easy form of flight that just about anybody can engage in. It is an activity that is enjoyed at all levels: from the relaxation of a quiet local flight, experiencing the challenge of soaring across the countryside, the excitement of aerobatics, or the thrill of regional and international racing competitions.
Sailplanes soar using the same air currents that many birds use to fly, but have also been designed with the kind of aerodynamic efficiency that enables top speeds of up to 260km/h. Distances of over 1200 km have been flown in Australia and heights of over 40,000 feet have been reached – all utilising the natural air currents provided by the landscape below.
We offer air experience flights most weekends of the year where you can experience the joy of soaring for yourself. To make a booking visit our website at www.glidingwa.com.au or email gcwa@westnet.com.au.
Ettamogah Pub
Main Street, Cunderdin WA 6407
Phone: (08) 9635 1777
Email: cunderdinpub@bigpond.com
Lunch 12pm to 2pm, and dinner 6pm to 8pm, 7 days a week. Pizza Thursday to Sunday 6pm until closing.
BP Cunderdin Roadhouse
Lot 6 Great Eastern Hwy, Cunderdin WA 6407
Phone: (08) 9635 1151
Fuel, Takeaways, Restaurant. Monday to Friday 6am to 9pm; Saturday & Sunday 7am to 9pm. Open 7 days a week.
Resource Centre
Cunderdin Community Resource Centre
57 Main Street, Cunderdin WA 6407
Phone: (08) 9635 1784
Email: admin@cunderdincrc.net.au
Web: www.cunderdin.crc.net.au
Open: Monday – Friday 9am – 4:30pm